My expectations were surpassed in many areas. It seemed that DBM always delivered more than was promised. I am so pleased with the creative portfolio that you executed for our corporate capabilities campaign. Your ingenuity was only surpassed by your meeting our rush deadline under our budget allocation!
I appreciate all your hard work and look forward to our continuing to work together.
Very truly yours,
Rebecca |
Design: Custom all the way. As a company, we pride ourselves on providing one of a kind, attention getting visuals that convey your message. We research you, your competition and the market; to make your next HD Digital Signage project highly creative and profit generating.
Production: With a detailed storyboard, high quality visual elements and creativity, production is a painless process. If you can think it, we can produce it.
Delivery: Utilizing Contemporary Research’s SignStream HDTV Display Network, delivery to your audience is a click away. SignStream delivers HD video and signage as HDTV channels, it’s easy to network over RF cable, integrates HDTV displays through the same cable as TV channels and you manage your play-list via simple web pages. And, at the completion of you new HD Digital Signage, we can down size the movie file for use on your web site.
Copyright © Designs by Mote, Incorporated 2009 |